Thursday, December 27, 2012

Small changes can make a big difference

Its weird to see how my friends excelling in their jobs while im still struggling to find out what I want?

What kind of job scope?
 Where am I heading?
 What can satisfied me?
What are the goals and where are the plans?

Everything is zero.

Think out of the box.

I always remember what my lecturer said.

Small changes can make a big difference.


Nostalgic feeling appear even when thinking of this.

Let go, just let it go and let it be..

It's not yours and it will never be..

Appreciate what you have and think of other stuff..

Stop dreaming!!!! For god sake!

n years ago photo,, 放空着

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


went back on christmas eve from kuantan, but 平安夜一点儿都不平安。。

kuantan heavy flood!!! it was the most serious flood ever in the past 65 years.

hui took this photo, there were mini waves coming along in middle of main road.. kinda scary as we fear engine might spoil if water level is too high..

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

kuantan dec 2012

went to Kuantan to attend ivy's wedding.. at swiss garden

both crazy nieces..
twinkle and chloe
naughty gu ling zing guai

Thursday, December 20, 2012


又消失了,突然退出歌坛说不唱了,5 年后回来,过后又不唱了。。







Monday, December 17, 2012

Books selection

went to this big bad wolf book sales..

bought a few books, realize that my books selection has changed from non fiction to books regarding businesses..

been thinking about actually starting my very own business.. To actually make myself richer by anyhow.

Been thinking for many years , but nothing has been done.

Please give me the courage and strength to pursue my dream.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

updates for birthday

Updates on my birthday

So excited and unexpected during birthday,..

Staying at Shang-Ri La hotel, having French fine dining at Latife, and breakfast at hotel!!

So happy, so amazing, a great start for my 26th year of life!!~!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

happy 26th bday

at shang ri la hotel.... waaaaaa

Monday, October 8, 2012

may u rot in hell

fuck fuck fuck
stupid ppl.. damn it ... cheat ,me!!!

may u rot in hellllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fucking stupid liar... u will get karma!!
u'll see!!!

maroon 5... i cross my heart and hope u dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

ok!!.. u will get ur karma.. i promise u that

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why can’t you just keep this to yourself?
Why you need to let the cat out o the bag, and by asking me right infront of her???

Have you ever think that this is not obvious enough? Making her uneasy will make you happy?
So much so to trust a person..

Damn it..

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Thousands cuts in the heart

As cruel as it could be, some women‘s boy friends / husbands cheating on them.

As hard as it could be, some people will have to endure for the sake of their children and family.

What will I do if I were in their shoes?
Having this thought in mind is so unbearable.  I am impressed my colleagues can face divorce so bravely.
They have cried, have blame ownself, yet they need to continue living.

Be strong.

Be independent.

Love oneself.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bali trip on April 2012

New job

It’s been a ages since I last write in blog.

I tend to miss this a lot..

Writing off the worries and happiness of the world of my very own.

Well, talk about job. Im currently working in Nilai where my new boss a Singaporean- who is extraordinary calculative and talks a lot.

Colleagues which are 90% married with kids- which they continuously asking when is my turn, talks about cesarean delivery, normal delivery and the much pain of it.

Production side – which always complaint and stand strongly on what they think.

Sg side- Problems being throw to me.

That’s all.

And I am damn not happy because boss has no intention to increase my salary.

Monday, May 28, 2012

long time

Long time no write blog..

testing testing

Thursday, March 1, 2012



  很多人会认为打工并不是投资,强烈反对这种观念。其实打工才是最大最愚蠢的投资。 人生最宝贵的是什么?除了我们的青春还有什么更宝贵?很多人都抱怨我穷,我没钱想做生意又找不到资金。多么的可笑!其实在你身上就有着一座金山(无形资产),只是你不敢承认。宁可埋没也不敢利用。宁可委委屈屈地帮人打工,把你的资产双手拱让给了你的老板。我们试想一下,有谁生下来上天就会送给他一大堆金钱的?问问李嘉诚吧。 我曾经问过我的一个朋友为什么不去打工?他的回答很惊人:“说句得罪点,出去打工简直就是愚蠢浪费青春!为什么你一直是打工仔?因为你安于现状!因为你没有勇气,你天生胆小怕事不敢另择它路!所以你是打工仔!因为你没有勇往直前,没有超越自我的精神!所以,你还是一个打工仔!你想过了改变你的生活,改变你穷困的命运,但是你没有做!因为你不敢做!你害怕输,你害怕输的一穷再穷!你最后不敢想,还是在打工,所以你还是打工仔!!!你努力了,你拼搏了,你抱着雄心大志。结果你没看到预想的成就!你放弃了!你只还是一个打工仔!!为什么你一直是打工仔?因为你随波逐流!近墨者黑,不思上进,分钱没得,死爱闹热,所以你一直是打工仔!因为你畏惧你父母,你听信你亲戚,你没有主张,你不敢一个人做决定。所以,你只不过还是一直是一个打工仔!你观念传统,只想打工赚点钱结婚生子,然后生病老死,走你父母一模一样的路,所以你一直是打工仔!你天生脆弱、脑筋迟钝只想做按班就部的工作,你想做无本的生意,你想坐在家里等天上掉陷饼,所以你一直是一个打工仔!你抱怨没有机遇,机遇来到你身边的时候你又抓不住!因为你不会抓!所以你还是一直是打工仔!因为你的贫穷,所以你自卑!你退缩了!你什么都不敢做!你只会给别人打工!所以你一直是打工仔!你没有特别技能,你只有使蛮力!你和你父母一样,恶性循环,所以,你一直永远的一个一直在打工的打工仔!

2,我没钱。错!不是没有钱,而是没有赚钱的脑袋,工作几年了没有钱么,有了,但是花掉了,花在没有回报的事情上面,吃喝玩乐,或存放贬值了,没有实现最大化,所以钱就这样入不敷出,这样月光光 这样被生活所需全部一一使用,这样周而复始,每月做个月光族,没有远虑,当一天和尚敲一天钟,得过且过。[/U]




6, 我没兴趣。错!兴趣是什么,吃喝玩乐谁都有,没有成就哪里来的尽兴,出去旅游回来月光族,出去K歌 回头钱包空空,出去大量购物回来惨兮兮。打工有没有兴趣,挤公车有没有兴趣?上班签到下班打卡有没有兴趣?家里急需要一大笔钱的时候借钱有没有兴趣?要还钱没钱还有没有兴趣?卖老鼠药的人对老鼠药有没有兴趣……?[/U]

7,我考虑考虑。错!考虑做吧,有可能就成了!不做吧,好不甘心,整天上班也没有个头,还是做吧,明天开始,不过还是算了,再想想,这钱挣的也不容易,不不,就是打工挣钱也不容易,所以不能放弃机会,决定了,把握机会。 哎呀!天都黑了,明天再说吧!然后第二天又因为以上123456点,因为左思右想,继续循环,最终不能决定,犹犹豫豫,还是一无所获。[/U]


Monday, February 13, 2012

for him

bought an expensive thing for him..

i have to say good bye to my tiffany.. though i plan to buy myself.. now seems that my budget is not allowed..