Monday, September 20, 2010

Cheese Cake

Recipe taken from Hsling


蛋白 4 个
塔塔粉 1/2 小匙
幼糖 65 克

芝士片 3 片
鲜奶 60 克
牛油 60 克
Cream Cheese 60 克
蛋黄 4 个
特幼粉 65 克

  1. 芝士片、鲜奶,cream cheese及牛油放入锅内,隔水炖溶,待凉备用。
  2. 蛋白及塔塔粉一起打至起泡,分数次加入幼糖打至湿性发泡。
  3. 蛋黄倒入芝士糊内拌匀后筛入面粉,继续拌匀。
  4. 蛋白分三次倒入芝士糊内,拌匀。(使用塑胶刮刀)
  5. 倒入已铺上烤纸的烤盘内,铺平。
  6. 放入已预热的烤箱内,150度,隔水烘烤40分钟。
  7. 出炉后无需倒扣蛋糕,待蛋糕放凉后才脱模。

Taa daa~~~~

Must I translate into English? This cheesecake is really easy to bake. I assume everyone likes it.. Now I wana try to bake other types of cakes..

Since my friends said my love towards bf has faded.. so gotta do something to make him stay with me forever.. see, his gf knows how to bake already!! my cooking skill level boosting up!!!

1 comment:

RY Seow said...

Chees cake yum yum! Thank you for the cake dear :)