Saturday, December 19, 2009

a biatch living in his biatchy world


Kinda shock coz got people actually reading my blog..

Okay.. Just back from midvalley..

A desperate need to cosset myself after a long terrible week..

Went to watch “Storm Warrior II’ with friends…I tell you.. I like this movie a lot…it’s like watching a comic being alive right in front of you.. It is so different from others common fighting and killing each other movie…the fighting scene seems more unique compare to the storm warrior I.. Those art teams from Thailand did made a lot of effort.. They are so creative, (if you compare with Malaysia those local cartoons or movie… *cough* cicak man!!*cough*) the difference is so noticeable..

However, not everyone likes it.. Like my friend’s friends all say sucks but my friends and I enjoyed it very much…this is very subjective though..

Okay.. Please allow me to release my frustration over here…

There is this gayyish-always-wear-tight-jeans-and-walk-in-a-very-gay-way-and-tell-lies-with-open-eyes-and-loves-showing-off-with-his-british -accent lecturer..

So feel like scratching his car!!! Damn.. That evil gay biatch purposely gave us wrong tips to study.. he gave different tips to different courses.. so basically all the students die in their exam, including me!!! He told us not to study this this chapters but the questions were from those chapters..


My marketing friend told me right, that bloody biatch always look down at people..

You know what he told them??

Damn ridiculous..

Biatch : “ you all (referring to students) don’t have the level to talk to me.. Even the masters and PHD holders don’t have the level to talk to me.. Only the professors got the level to talk to me…”

The other day biatch said to my course: “ I know you all are not that standard yet, you all are not HARVARD students.. I won’t give you hard questions during exam..”


Exam was hard like hell… okay.. it’s fine.. But saying us who are not as clever as HARVARD students.. okay fine.. Same as you biatch.. You went to HARVARD before meh??? You just try to pretend that you are so smart by talking using accent.. I also can speak like the way you speak.. Saying everyone don’t have the level to talk to you.. Excuse me, biatch… if you are so damn clever, why are you still getting stuck in here? Aren’t you supposed to be a lecturer in HARVARD??

I was so pissed off with him.. Everyone was so damn pissed off with him..

So the moral of this story is…

liar liar is not only pants on fire, but directly goes down to hell and got his tongue chops into pieces and lastly rot in hell!!! (evil laugh)

By the way, a business ethic lecturer is showing nothing about ethic at all…

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